Club Finance Council and Graduate and Professional Schools Grants


The Club Finance Council (CFC) is an ASUCD and Pepsi-funded content-neutral program run by a council of 13 dedicated undergraduate board members. They provide up to $3,000 annually to Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) to help pay for educational programs, guest speakers, conferences, performances, cultural shows, publications and other events that enrich our local communities.


The Graduate and Professional Schools (GAPS) Program provides monetary support of up to $1,000 to Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) to help pay for educational programs, guest speakers, conferences, performances, cultural shows, publications and other events that enrich UC Davis student life.

What do the grants fund?

General Expenses

One-Time Use Items

Speaker & Performer fees 

  • Paid speakers
  • Dancers
  • DJs
  • Live Bands

Equipment rentals

  • Tables & Chairs 
  • Sports equipment (i.e., surfboards for surf lessons or additional equipment for a tournament)

Facility or Venue rental fees

  • Any UC Davis facilities and their additional fees such as facility staff labor, extra AV and other potential costs

Event supplies

  • Decorations (i.e., streamers, plastic tablecloths, etc.) 
  • Flowers

Printing costs (NOTE: These items must include ASUCD and CFC logos as sponsors) 

  • Flyers
  • Publications
  • Advertising
  • Brochures 
  • Stickers 

Insurance for off-campus vendors

  • Performers (i.e., Dancers, DJs, etc.)
  • Potential outdoor or sports activities 

Event service fees

  • UC Davis Ticket Office
  • Aggie Hosts
  • Grounds

Multiple-Use Items

Reusable Marketing Materials (NOTE: These items must include ASUCD and CFC logos as sponsors)

  • Banners 
  • T-shirts
  • Hats

Publication Software

  • For magazines, annual publications, etc. 

Online Services

  • Platforms to host virtual events/conferences

Marketing Software Subscriptions

  • Canva Pro


  • Performances (i.e., Cultural shows, dance showcases, plays, etc.)

Travel-Related Expenses

An RSO can allocate up to $60 per person per day.

  • Example 1: 10 of your organization members are going to a 1-day industry-specific conference in San Francisco -> You can only request up to $600.
  • Example 2: Your RSO plans to take 30 UC Davis students for a 2-day Santa Cruz for a kayak excursion -> You can request up to $3,000.
  • Conference or registration fees
  • Admission costs for museums, exhibits, performances, etc.  
  • Lodging  
  • Transportation (i.e., flights, rideshare, gas, rental cars)

Food and Drink Expenses

**CFC can only fund up to $1,000 per year for Food and Drink.

Food & Drinks Guidelines

  1. Your organization may purchase food with CFC funds. However, it's based on your estimated attendance at a rate of $12 per person per day.
    1. Example: Your estimated attendance is 100 people for your conference -> You can allocate up to $1000 of CFC funding for food/drinks.
  2. Your organization can purchase food and drinks from local caters or grocery stores like Costco, SaveMart, Safeway, etc. 
  3. Additional Requirements: 
    1. You must purchase or supply tablecloths, dishware, cups or items needed to serve food.
    2. Have a plan for distributing excess food (Individually wrapped for Fall).

**If your group would like funding for drinks, we encourage your group to apply for Pepsi Product funding. 

What do the grants not fund?

Prohibited Items

These items are prohibited by both the CFC and GAPS grants

  • Reimbursements for items an organization paid for before your grant is approved
  • Alcohol or events that serve alcohol
  • Care packages or take-home kits
  • Gifts for speakers
  • Gifts for RSO members or alumni
  • Equipment purchases

CFC Specific Items

  • Scholarships
  • Member-only retreats or excursions
  • Events that serve or appear as coursework
  • Financial contributions for ASUCD political candidates
  • Payments to UC students, staff and faculty.
  • Any event, publication or project cosponsored by ASUCD
  • Current or past debts to the Center of Student Involvement or others

GAPS Specific Items

  • Scholarships
  • Member-only retreats or excursions
  • Events that serve or appear as coursework
  • Financial contributions for ASUCD political candidates
  • Payments to UC students, staff, and faculty.
  • Current or past debts to CSI or others

IMPORTANT - RSO Contribution

RSO must contribute at least 10% of your TOTAL event costs

To qualify for a CFC grant, your RSO must contribute at least 10% of your TOTAL event costs.

Here are types of contributions RSOs have used to meet the ≥ 10%:

  • Agency Account
  • Member Dues
  • Donations
  • Departmental Funding
  • Other Campus Grants

**NOTE: If your RSO is utilizing Departmental or Grant Funding, you MUST provide a copy of your Agency Account, an email confirmation or an approval letter to confirm your RSO has secured the funding.

Application Process

Step 1: Make a Reservation (on-campus events only)

IMPORTANT: Only Authorized Reservers are able to make reservations. Typically Authorized Reservers are 2 out of the 3 RSO officers.

  1. Go to the CES website and click on ‘Students, Staff and Campus Interest Groups’ to access the Online Reservation Form.
  2. Click on ‘New Reservation’ and choose the appropriate account and organization profile which you’re making a reservation for.
  3. Once completed, you will select the details for the building/room, date, attendance and client/catering and event times for your event.
    1. Client/Catering Time: The time that the RSO (client) is allowed in the facility for their own setup and cleanup.
    2. Event Time: The actual time of the event when guests are expected to be in the facility.
  4. When you add all the reservations you need, click “Proceed to Event Information.”
  5. Afterward, you’ll need to fill out questions such as contact, billing and event information such as whether you’ll be collecting money or have amplified sound.
  6. When you click “Submit,” the reservation team will be notified of your request.

Step 2: Complete the Application

To complete the application you will need to fill out TWO forms:

  1. 2023-2024 Center for Student Involvement Grants Orientation
    1. This form will educate you on all the Center for Student Involvement grants available to undergraduate Registered Student Organizations (RSOs).
    2. There are comprehension questions throughout the orientation. Each question requires a response but they are not scored. You MUST answer all the questions to complete the form.
  2. Club Finance Council Grant Application
    1. Ensure all the information in your application is factual and meets the minimum CFC requirements (which are listed in the orientation).
    2. To verify the costs you listed in the budget above, your organization will need to upload estimates for each expense.

Examples of estimates can include but are not limited to:

  • Service Quotes
  • Rental Estimates
  • Menus
  • Screenshots of online shopping carts

Our quote template for companies that do not provide formal estimates (i.e., performers, DJs, small catering companies, etc.)

Step 3: Intake Meeting

Once your application passes the initial review, your RSO will be required to attend an intake meeting to review your application and make any modifications as needed. 

Step 4: CFC Board Voting - CFC Grant Only

After you complete your intake meeting, the CFC Board will need to vote on whether to approve or deny the application. The Board meets once a week from week 2-8 every quarter.

Step 5: Financial Agreement

If the application is approved, the Center for Student Involvement Student Grants Manager will send a Finance Agreement indicating the approved award amounts and expenses. All 3 of your RSO officers will need to sign it within 5 business days.


IMPORTANT: Your Expenditure Report due date will be 10 business days after your event date. It’s also listed on your Finance Agreement.

Required Materials:

  1. Take 4-5 photos of your funded event or program
    1. You only need to upload a copy if your organization created a publication. No additional images are required but they are highly encouraged.
  2. ALL receipts for purchases going towards your event.
  3. If applicable:
    1. Copies of your funded printing materials (i.e., fliers, banners, publications, etc.).
    2. An attendance list for participants who attend a travel-related event with their signatures.

Sample Quotes

Supporting documents consist of quotes, estimates and/or reservation confirmations for the items you are requesting CFC funding. They must be attached to your grant application when you turn it in. A grant application that does not include supporting documents will not be funded. Quotes that are older than 60 days will not be accepted. Note that CFC cannot fund line-items that have already been paid for. Make sure that the costs listed on your quotes match up with the amount requested on your grant application. These are suggested quotes. Ultimately the CFC Board will determine if your quote is sufficient.

  • Gas Quote using CFC requests that any student organization requesting funding for gas expenses use Note that if the gas is for a travel-related event, it will fall under the CFC Travel Cap.
  • Sample Keynote Speaker Quotes: Student Organizations often have speakers come to their events and presentations.
  • On-Campus Facility Rental: Many student organizations rent campus spaces for their events. Some examples of paid spaces include the ARC, some rooms in the Memorial Union and the Student Community Center. Please note that there are rules regarding on-campus facility rentals.
  • Sample Off-Campus Facility Rental Quotes: These estimates will vary in their format and sometimes will even be relayed via email. They must include a confirmation of the reservation and the cost estimate of the space.
  • Sample Publicity Material Quotes: CFC can provide funding for publications, publicity and other one-time-use items (event-specific brochures, flyers, etc).
  • Sample Equipment Rental Quotes: Student Organizations can request CFC funding for equipment rentals for their events. These may include things like vehicle rentals, camping gear, tables, chairs, A/V equipment and much more. Students can rent A/V equipment on-campus through the ASUCD Entertainment Council.
  • Sample Service Quotes: Student organizations often need services rendered for their events. This may include things like having a photographer, paying for custodial services, Grounds, Aggie Hosts, UCD Ticket Office, etc.
  • Sample Performance Quotes: Quotes for performers (DJs, Dance groups, singers, etc) for your organization's event must include an agreed upon price and indicate that the price was agreed upon by the performer (or the performers booking agent). This can be indicated by obtaining a quote on the performer's official letter-head, providing a contract or having an email sent from the performer.
  • Sample Travel Quotes: For travel expenses booked online (such as vehicle rentals, airplane tickets, train tickets, hotels, etc), proceed with the checkout until you have a cost estimate. A screenshot of the estimate page from check-out  will be accepted as a quote. Funding for these events would fall under the CFC Travel Cap.
  • Sample Registration and Ticket Quotes: Registration and ticket quotes may include the price-per-ticket, which you can then use to determine estimated total cost. If there are any group rates or discounts, those need to be factored into your estimate as well. If the registration or ticket costs are part of a travel-related event, then those costs would fall under the CFC Travel Cap.

ASUCD has provided information about their ASUCD Service Units, many of which provide services student organizations need for their events.