Promoting Your Org

The Center for Student Involvement offers a variety of communication tools to help you connect with your peers and effectively promote your Registered Student Organization (RSO) and events. Whether you're aiming to share exciting updates on our social media channels or showcase your organization’s ads on our office LCD screens, we have platforms to amplify your message. Please note, that the center reserves the right to post content at its discretion.

Communication Tools and Platforms


RSOs need to update their AggieLife page and add events. Our office and the division of Student Affairs regularly promote AggieLife to the general student audience, so having your up-to-date information and events on this platform is critical for reaching the general student body. 

Involvement Fair

The Involvement Fair is our annual club fair! RSOs will share their organization’s mission, activities, service projects and programs while recruiting new members from the thousands of students exploring how to get involved on campus. Check our Involvement Fair page for information about how to sign up your RSO. 


Your RSO can reserve the tables at the Memorial Union and the Silo to promote your organization. Tabling is a great way to engage directly with students and share information about your mission, meetings and activities while recruiting new members. Many RSOs also use the tables to fundraise for their organizations.


RSOs are permitted to post information on outdoor bulletin boards without prior approva, and on indoor bulletin boards with departmental approval from the authorized representative per the UC Davis Temporary Posting Policy. Postings must include the name of your RSO. Make sure to get prior approval where required, keep to size limits and remove postings promptly after events. Graffiti and chalking are strictly prohibited. 


RSOs can promote their events using A-Frames following the guidelines on the Memorial Union website. A-Frames may only be placed on decomposed granite areas near sidewalks. They must advertise a specific event with date, time and location or they will be removed. 

Center for Student Involvement Social Media

The Center for Student Involvement can help promote your organization’s events on our Instagram page. To request this, you will have to fill out our Social Media Request Form which can also be found on the Link Tree on our Instagram page. 

Center for Student Involvement Office LCD Advertising

The Center for Student Involvement has a TV in our office that features LCD ads submitted directly to us.  These ads run only in our office. If you would like an LCD ad displayed, it must meet the center’s guidelines and be submitted to us. Each RSO can submit up to two ads per quarter. There is a limit of one week per ad. Please only submit images that are formatted for the LCD Screen–1920×1080.  Any videos submitted must be captioned if there is speaking and may not contain sound. File formats limited to .jpeg, .png, .mov., mp4. Still-image ads (e.g., photos with no animation) are limited to 10 seconds. Video ads may not contain sound and are limited to 30 seconds each. Submit your request by clicking on the button below.

Center for Student Involvement LCD Display Request Form

Student Affairs LCD Advertising

The Division of Student Affairs oversees the LCD TVs in the MU and Student Community Center that feature LCD ads. If you would like an LCD ad displayed, it must meet the division’s guidelines and be submitted to them. Be sure to check out the LCD advertising guidelines and submission. Approved submissions will show on screens in the Memorial Union and Student Community Center.

Reaching the Residents

As an RSO, you may want to reach out to students living in student housing to encourage them to get involved with your organization.  The following link provides guidelines for distributing information to residents.  

Reaching the Residents