Organizations with Pending Cases
These groups are pending an investigation with the Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs.
Last update: March 2025
Under investigation, still operating
- Sigma Omega Nu Sorority
- Kappa Gamma Delta Sorority
Under investigation, ceased operation
Sanction Information
These groups have undergone the organizational conduct process with the Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs (OSSJA). The organizations below must comply with sanctions set by the Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs.
Last update: March 2025
- Phi Gamma Delta -FIJI Fraternity- Phi Gamma Delta violated the following University policy 102.18.A: Prohibited manufacture, sale or distribution of alcohol.,
102.08.A: Conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person. Phi Gamma Delta is on Conditional Registration status through the end of the Spring quarter of 2025. remains a registered student organization and is not restricted from holding chapter meetings, recruitment, and philanthropic events, but may not hold any social events, on- or off-campus (e.g., satellite houses), and is prohibited from holding events with other registered student organizations including sororities and fraternities. - Alpha Sigma Phi(AΣΦ) - Alpha Sigma Phi violated the following University policies:102.18.A: Prohibited manufacture, sale or distribution of alcohol.102.08.A: Conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person. AΣΦ is on Conditional Registration status through the end of the Spring quarter 2025. Alpha Sigma Phi remains a registered student organization and is not restricted from holding chapter meetings, recruitment, and philanthropic events, but may not hold any social events, on- or off-campus (e.g., satellite houses), and is prohibited from holding events with other registered student organizations including sororities and fraternities.
- Pi Beta Phi Sorority(ΠBΦ) - Pi Beta Phi violated the following University policies:102.12: Hazing.102.18.A: Prohibited manufacture, sale or distribution of alcohol.102.08.A: Conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person. Pi Beta Phi is on Conditional Registration status through the end of the Spring quarter 2025. While on Conditional Registration status, Pi Beta Phi remains a registered student organization and is not restricted from holding chapter meetings, recruitment, and philanthropic events, but may not hold any social events, on- or off-campus, and is prohibited from holding events with other registered student organizations including sororities and fraternities. Pi Beta Phi will also complete sanctions listed by OSSJA and their national organization.
- Kappa Alpha Theta (KAθ)- Kappa Alpha Theta violated the following University policies:102.12: Hazing.102.18.A: Prohibited manufacture, sale or distribution of alcohol.102.08.A: Conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person. KAθ is Conditional Registration status through the end of the Spring quarter of 2025. While on Conditional Registration status, KAθ remains a registered student organization and is not restricted from holding chapter meetings, recruitment, and philanthropic events, but may not hold any social events, on- or off-campus, and is prohibited from holding events with other registered student organizations including sororities and fraternities.
- Alpha Delta Pi (AΔΠ)- Alpha Delta Pi violated the following University policies:102.12: Hazing.102.18.A: Prohibited manufacture, sale or distribution of alcohol.102.08.A: Conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person. Alpha Delta Pi is on Conditional Registration status through the end of the Spring quarter 2025. While on Conditional Registration status, Alpha Delta Pi remains a registered student organization and is not restricted from holding chapter meetings, recruitment, and philanthropic events, but may not hold any social events, on- or off-campus, and is prohibited from holding events with other registered student organizations including sororities and fraternities. Alpha Delta Pi will also complete sanctions listed by OSSJA and their national organization.
- Delta Gamma (ΔΓ) – Delta Gamma violated the following University policies: 102.18.B: Prohibited use or possession of alcohol. 102.08.A: Conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person. UC Davis Registered Student Organization Administrative Policy: Properties Use and Extracurricular Activities.
- Pi Kappa Phi (ΠKΦ) – Pi Kappa Phi violated the following university policies: 102.12: Hazing. 102.08.A: Conduct that threatens the health or safety of any person. Pi Kappa Phi is on the status of Conditional Registration through the end of Winter quarter 2025 (March 21, 2025). While on Conditional Registration status, Pi Kappa Phi remains a registered student organization and is not restricted from holding chapter meetings, recruitment, and philanthropic events, but may not hold any social events, on- or off-campus and is prohibited from holding events with other registered student organizations including sororities and fraternities. Pi Kappa Phi will also complete sanctions listed by OSSJA and their national organization.
Revoked and Closed Organizations
These groups lost their recognition with the Center for Student Involvement due to poor risk management practices or a decision made by the group’s national headquarters. They have been instructed to cease all operations at UC Davis. The Center for Student Involvement recommends strongly against joining or collaborating with these groups.
Last update: February 2025
- Sigma Chi (ΣX)-(02/23/2025) Placed on Revocation until fall 2029. Due to violating the following policies 102.12: Hazing 16.A. Failure to identify oneself to, or comply with the directions of, a university official or other public official acting in the performance of their duties while on university property or at official university functions.
- Alpha Kappa Psi (AKΨ ) - (11/14/2024) Placed on Revocation of registration until Monday, September 24, 2029. Due to violating the following policies: 102.12: Hazing & 102.08 A: Conduct that threatens the health and safety of any person.
- Pi Kappa Alpha (ΠKA) – (02/2024)- Pi Kappa Alpha is placed on Revocation of Registration until fall 2029. Due to the following policy violations: 102.18.A: Prohibited manufacture, sale or distribution of alcohol, 102.08.A: Physical abuse or assault, 102.16:B: Resisting or obstructing such university or other public officials in the performance of or attempt to perform their duties and 102.08.A: Physical abuse or assault.
- ΨXΩ (Psi Chi Omega) (06/2022) - Placed on Revocation of Registration until at least spring quarter 2027 due to incidents involving hazing.
- θT (Theta Tau) (04/2022)- National Office has closed chapter through at least fall 2026 due to incidents involving hazing.
- Ski & Snowboard Team (10/2021) – Placed on Revocation of Registration until at least fall quarter 2026 due to incidents involving hazing and inappropriate alcohol use.
- ΣKR (Sigma Kappa Rho) (5/2021) – Placed on Revocation of Registration until at least fall quarter 2026 due to incidents involving hazing.
- West Coast Bhangra (5/2020) – Placed on Revocation of Registration until at least spring quarter 2025 due to misconduct involving ticket sales and money owed to the university.
- AEΠ (Alpha Epsilon Pi) – Placed on Revocation of Registration until at least spring quarter 2025 due to incidents involving hazing. This organization is still recognized by its national headquarters and continue to operate in the area. UC Davis and the Center for Student Involvement recommends strongly against joining or collaborating with this group.
- ΖΨ Zeta Psi (1/2020)- Placed on Revocation of Registration until at least spring quarter 2025 due to incidents involving hazing. This organization is still recognized by its national headquarters and continue to operate in the area. UC Davis and the Center for Student Involvement recommends strongly against joining or collaborating with this group.
- Light Ministries (4/2020) – Registration cancelled based on UC Davis policy that states a group associated with a local, state, national or international organization will be registered only if the group, through its members, retains decision-making authority and control over its programs.
- ΣΛB – Sigma Lambda Beta (4/2020) – Placed on Revocation of Registration until at least spring quarter 2025 due to incidents involving hazing.
- ΣΠ – Delta Sigma Pi (12/2019) – Placed on Revocation of Registration until at least winter quarter 2025 due to incidents involving hazing.
- ΣΜΔ – Sigma Mu Delta (11/2019) – Placed on Revocation of Registration indefinitely due to incidents involving hazing.
- ΔΣΦ- Delta Sigma Phi (8/2015) – Placed on Revocation of Registration for at least five years after incidents involving alcohol.
- XPO – Chi Rho Omicron (3/2015) – Placed on Revocation of Registration for at least five years after incidents involving hazing.
- ΠAΦ – Pi Alpha Phi (8/2012) – Placed on Revocation of Registration for at least five years after incidents involving providing false information, serving alcohol to minors, and hazing. In September of 2012, the chapter’s charter was revoked by the Pi Alpha Phi National Board. Both the unrecognized group and its “Lil’ Sis” organization continue to operate in the area in violation of their revoked status by both the campus and the national fraternity.
- ΣAE – Sigma Alpha Epsilon (4/2012) – Placed on Revocation of Registration for at least five years after incidents involving serving alcohol to minors.
Non-Recognized Organizations
These groups are either operating in the UC Davis area despite not being recognized by the Center for Student Involvement or voluntarily gave up their status as recognized sororities or fraternities at UC Davis for the reasons listed.
Non-recognized groups like the ones listed below have no relationship with the University. Students, departments, sports clubs, registered student organizations and other organizations should avoid joining or collaborating with any of the groups listed below. They do not receive any oversight or liability coverage from the university or their parent organizations and are not held accountable at the local, regional or national level. Students, organizations, and campus departments who interact or seek affiliation with these organizations do so at their own risk.
Last update: March 9, 2020
- ΚΣ- Kappa Sigma (6/2015) – In May 2015, the local chapter was closed by Kappa Sigma headquarters, however, as of February 2020 the chapter has been operational without university recognition.
- AΔX – Alpha Delta Chi (11/2009) – A non-registered all-women organization active in the Davis area. Not currently seeking recognition at UC Davis.
- ΛXA – Lambda Chi Alpha (6/2013) – The group’s national headquarters officially suspended operations due to low membership.
- ΛΦΩ – Lambda Phi Omega (2/2013) – A local, non-registered fraternity formed by former members of a nationally affiliated chapter that was placed on Revocation of Registration and lost its charter due to repeated violations of university policy and serving alcohol to minors. Originally called “Phi Alpha Iota” before switching to the current name. Not currently seeking recognition at UC Davis.
- ΣAN – Sigma Alpha Nu (9/1/2016) – Not registered through OSFL at UC Davis.
- ΩΨΦ- Omega Psi Phi (2008) – A non-registered all-men organization active in the Davis area.