Privileges and Responsibilities

Why Register

Through registration, your group is recognized by the university and becomes eligible for many privileges, opportunities and services. These include reserving facilities, raising funds, applying for campus funding and receiving services from the Center for Student Involvement and other campus departments. Registration must be renewed annually and expires on June 30 of each year.

Student Organization Tracks

Determining your Track is a great way to understand what privileges and responsibilities your organization will have. Tracks also help the CSI team determine what support your organization will need throughout the year. Each new group will select their Track during the registration process. Review Organizations by Track document to help determine what track level your organization will have.

Registered Student Organization Privileges and Responsibilities 

Upon becoming a Registered Student Organization (RSO), your group assumes the following privileges and responsibilities:


RSOs are afforded a number of privileges, including:

  • University affiliation.
  • Online listing as a student organization at UC Davis.
  • Ability to reserve and use campus facilities and properties for occasional activities, such as meetings, programs, conferences, social events and service projects at reduced rates.
  • Campus financial account and accounting services using an Agency Account.
  • Liability insurance for most on-campus activities is paid by the university.
  • Ability to sponsor fundraising activities on campus.
  • Ability to establish a university gift account enabling tax-deductible donations.
  • Campus mailing address and mailbox.
  • Post and distribute materials on campus in accordance with Distribution of Literature and Posting Policies.
  • Use of Memorial and Silo Union outdoor tables for distributing information and fundraising.
  • Participation in campus activities (Involvement Fair, Picnic Day).
  • Eligibility for undergraduate groups for Club Finance Council grants and loans.
  • Eligibility for funding from campus departments.


  • Representing Your Group
  • Only the three primary leaders whose signatures are on file with the Center for Student Involvement may transact business with the university on behalf of the organization. An exception is any member may reserve tables or display boards.  The Center for Student Involvement may release public information about the students listed on the registration submission for purposes of acting as a representative of the organization. Public information includes name and email address.
  • Updating Group Information
  • If information about your group changes (such as the name or status of the three officers/student leaders), you need to update the registration in your RSO’s AggieLife profile. All three officers are responsible for approving the changes to the RSO registration. If the officer who attended the orientation for the current registration period has left office, the new officer must complete the Terms and Conditions.

  • Maintenance of Financial Account and Records

  • Your RSO must keep complete and accurate records of income and expenditures showing how funds were raised, amounts spent and how funds have been or will be used.  These records must be kept current and available for inspection or audit by university officials at any time.

  • Personal Liability for Debts

  • The three primary leaders who sign the Registration Application assume responsibility (and may be held personally liable) for all debts and obligations incurred by the organization. The treasurer or others responsible for the organization’s accounts must pay all bills or make arrangements for payment. If debts are not paid, registration of the primary leaders may be withheld until debts are paid.
    HOLDS: A hold will be placed on the registration of any student organization that has not satisfied a debt or obligation to the university in a timely manner, has an overdrawn Agency Account or has violated university policies or regulations. A hold results in the suspension of all your RSO’s campus privileges. To release the hold, a representative of your organization must bring written documentation that the debt or violation has been satisfied (e.g., receipt, letter from Student Judicial Affairs, etc.) with a $25 Hold Release Fee to the Center for Student Involvement for your group’s privileges to be restored. 

  • Discrimination

  • Consistent with section 70.10 of the UC Policy on Registered Campus Organizations, the organization will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer-related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services, except that membership in an officially recognized sorority or fraternity may be limited by gender.  This certification shall override any language to the contrary in the RSO’s bylaws, constitution, or other documents, and approval of this application does not include approval of such contrary documents.

    The RSO will comply with UC Davis Policy 400.20, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence and UC Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline 102.8 and 102.9 prohibiting sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking and retaliation against persons for making such a report or participating in any manner in an investigation or resolution of a sexual harassment or sexual violence report.

  • Respect for University activities and Individual Rights

  • Activities shall not interfere with traffic, regularly scheduled campus activities or the orderly administration of the university. The First Amendment protects the right to say or write unpopular, intolerant or controversial ideas, as long as they do not violate laws or university policies, including time, place and manner restrictions. Student organizations are encouraged to review their activities to reflect the values in the UC Davis Principles of Community.

  • Compliance with Legal Regulations

  • In all activities, student organizations shall assume full responsibility for abiding by local, state and federal laws, and university and campus regulations.

  • Insurance and Waivers

  • RSO’s need liability insurance to operate on campus and use campus facilities. The university has created an insurance program for Registered Student Organizations for most on-campus activities. Visit our Insurance Information webpage for details. Collection of a signed liability waiver is required from all participants in any physical, sporting or dance activity. All waivers must be submitted within 5 business days of collection to the Center for Student Involvement.

  • Contracts and Publicity

  • Events and activities sponsored by RSOs must be advertised and promoted in such a way as to make clear the function is sponsored by the RSO acting in a private capacity and not as a representative of the university. RSOs may not sign contracts on behalf of the university, as its agent, or imply that it is representing the university in any agreement.

  • Defunct Agency Accounts

  • If your RSO does not re-register for two consecutive years, any money left in your RSOs Agency Account will be used to benefit all other Registered Student Organizations.