Registration is an important step to renewing your student organization! Once your student organization is registered, the group is recognized by the University and becomes eligible for many privileges, opportunities and services.
Registration Closed-Spring Registration Opens Early May
STEP 1: Submit a Registration Form in AggieLife
Note: Only currently listed officers in AggieLife can re-register an organization. If there are no active students assigned officer roles, please reach out to the Center for Student Involvement for assistance.
Log in to AggieLife.
- Click on Groups on the top bar of the Home page.
- Search for the name of the group you want to re-register.
- Select the group you want to register and you will see a blue box ‘Group Re- Registration’ to begin the process.
- Follow the instructions in the form.
Review and update out of date information. Remember to look over out of date information such as your organization’s description, social media links, and if you have a different advisor supporting your organization. Be sure to review all the information that autopopulates in your form to make certain it is correct, or if there is anything that needs to be updated.
Select three currently registered UC Davis students who will be designated leaders of the organization. They will receive an email notification to complete the terms and conditions.
If applicable, delegate two out of the three Primary Leaders to be Authorized Reservers. The Authorized Reservers are responsible for reserving space on campus for events and meetings. This section will only be available if you want to activate or open an agency account.
STEP 2: Update Organization Roster on AggieLife
Incoming primary leaders should be responsible for the registration process. They must be added to the roster in order to do so. Ensure new leaders are members of the student organization’s roster by adding new leaders and general members to the student organization’s Roster.
NOTE: You may only add new designated leaders as members. When all required forms are submitted, CSI will approve the registration and assign leaders to their respective positions in AggieLife.
STEP 3: Complete Terms & Conditions
As part of registration renewal, each of the three designated leaders must complete 2024-2025 Terms & Conditions, as it aims to equip each designated leader with the tools and skills needed to understand the different policies and procedures in running a student organization. An email notification will be sent to all three leaders once the registration form is submitted.
STEP 4: If Applicable, Renew Your Agency Account
Agency Accounts are required for reserving classrooms and campus facilities over the free 4 hour allotment as well as applying for grants from Club Finance Council (CFC) and Beyond Tolerance.
To open an Agency Account, you are required to pay an annual fee of $35.
Although it differs from a typical bank account in that you have no checkbook, expenditures and campus recharges. Agency Accounts expire on June 30 of the year in which they were activated.
If your organization is requesting an agency account, one to two of the three you may use it for identified in your Registration Submission must serve as Authorized Reservers. Authorized Reservers have access to make reservations on behalf of your student organization.
STEP 5: Review and Approval by CSI
When the registration form is submitted, CSI staff will cross-reference leaders with completed terms and conditions. If requirements are not complete, the form will be returned for modifications with a comment that indicates the information still needed. If your request is returned, this is your chance to try again. Once all information and forms have been submitted CSI staff will review and process your registration submission.