priveledges and responsibilities
why register
Through registration, your group is recognized by the University and becomes eligible for many privileges, opportunities and services. These include reserving facilities, raising funds, applying for campus funding and receiving services from Center for Student Involvement and other campus departments. Registration must be renewed annually and expires on June 30th each year.
Criteria to Qualify as a Registered Student Organization
The following are the criteria used to approve the registration of student organizations.
Each student organization is required to describe clearly and specifically the purpose of the organization. If the stated purpose is too vague or general, you will be contacted to provide more information. The purpose of the organization should be consistent with the educational nature of the University and will be publicized on the student organization’s AggieLife profile.
use of university name and trademarks
Student organization names must comply with University Name and Trademark policy. All variances of names and visual representations of the University of California, Davis, are considered UC Davis trademarks. The marks include any trademark, service mark, name, logo, insignia, seal, design, or other symbol or device associated with or referring to UC Davis. Also included are any word, phrase, or image that implies association with the University, such as “Cal Aggie” or “Go Ags!” The University owns these trademarks and must approve their use.
- Student organizations may use the University name (including any abbreviation) only to describe its location, but not as part of its name. Example: “Service Club at UC Davis” is permitted, but “UC Davis Service Club” is not permitted.
- Student organizations may use the term “Aggie” as part of a name, but not “Cal Aggie.” Example: “Aggie Cultural Association” is permitted, but Cal Aggie Cultural Association” is not permitted. [If the name of your group is the same as, or very similar to, that of another group (campus or off campus), then you must clearly differentiate your group’s name. Terms that may help you differentiate your name include “at UC Davis” or “Campus Chapter of.” Examples: Campus NOW, Campus Chapter of Girl Scouts.
- With the permission of Center for Student Involvement, student organizations may use the “UC Davis” logo, “Go Ags!” logo, or athletics logos. Groups are not permitted to use the University seal or “Cal Aggie” logo.
Anyone violating the provisions of California Education Code 92000, which prohibits the use of the University name without permission, is guilty of a misdemeanor. We urge groups to review all publicity materials used in any event they sponsor to ensure accurate representation. Since individuals may be misled into thinking the University is associated with an event that uses its name, the University is exposed to potential liability should someone suffer damage or injury at the event. The University will seek indemnification from groups for any damages it may suffer as a result of unauthorized use of the University’s name.
- Each registered group must be composed of at least three currently registered and paid UCD students.
- Public information about these students may be disclosed without prior written consent unless the student notifies the UC Davis Registrar’s Office in writing or via an established electronic procedure that such information shall be confidential. Public information includes name, address, email addresses, and telephone number. CSI may release this information about you as a representative of this organization.
- Only currently registered and paid UCD students can be active members; only active members may vote, hold office, determine programs, control the group’s money, and represent the group to the University.
- Currently enrolled UCD students must comprise three-fourths of the organization’s membership.
- A graduate student organization is a student group, whose primary purpose as identified by the group is to support, benefit, and promote the goals/needs/interests of UC Davis graduate students.
- The group membership must consist of a minimum of 66% graduate students and at least two of the primary leaders must be graduate students.
- Associate members may be students on PELP, UCD staff, faculty, and the immediate families of UCD students, staff, and faculty and non-University related individuals. Associate members may attend group meetings and events, participate in discussions, serve as guest speakers on an occasional basis, teach, and perform small tasks for the group.
- Consistent with section 70.10 of the UC Policy on Registered Campus Organizations, the organizations will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services, except that membership in an officially recognized sorority or fraternity may be limited by gender. This certification shall override any language to the contrary in the organization’s bylaws, constitution, or other documents, and approval of this application does not include approval of such contrary documents.
Organization advisors
Your group may choose to have an advisor if you wish to do so. An advisor can be a valuable source of information and continuity for the group, and may be a UCD staff or faculty member, someone from the community or a UCD student.
Advisors may:
- Provide information/advice to the group
- Participate in orienting and training new members and officers
- Attend group meetings
- Participate in discussions
Advisors may not:
- Select members (but may participate in selection discussion)
- Determine or direct the group’s programs, goals, performances
- Control group’s finances; vote
- Hold office
- Reserve campus facilities
- Represent the group to the University or community.
relationship to the university
- Groups which are sponsored by, or are part of the University, will not be registered as student organizations. This generally includes those groups whose programs are generated, implemented, funded, directed, or controlled by the University. Typical examples of this would include Intercollegiate Athletic teams, classes offered by the University, departments/units of the University, ASUCD activities and groups whose sole purpose is to support/fund any of the above. General exceptions may include residence hall social fund groups. Residence hall groups must have approval from the Housing Office to apply for status as a registered student organization.
- A registered student organization may state that its active and associate membership is composed of students, staff, or faculty of the University. It shall not indicate or imply that it is acting on behalf of the University or with University approval or sponsorship.
- University regulations state that registered student organizations may take positions on issues if they make it clear in so doing that they are not representing the views of the University or the student body as a whole.
- The University’s name, insignia, unofficial seal or address may not be used by a student group for religious or political activities, when such use might reasonably be construed to imply the University’s support for the group’s position on a religious or political subject. The University’s name may be used for identification purposes or in a return address provided that the user group explicitly states that it is acting in a private capacity and not as a representative of the University.
relationships to other groups and agencies
A student group that is associated with a local, state, national or international organization will be registered only if the group, through its active members, retains decision-making authority and control over its programs and finances. This means that:
- The group has the authority to make all final decisions.
- The group does not have to obtain permission or approval from its associated organization for its activities.
- The group makes the final decision to use the funds it generates.
- The group does its own financial book keeping.
- The officers are selected by the student members of the group.
- A group that is an agent for an off-campus or another campus organization or whose sole purpose is to support or fund such an organization will not be registered.
duplication of existing groups
Due to the increasing number of student organizations and demands for campus resources and space, groups applying for registration which appear to closely duplicate already existing groups will be required to submit a clear, written description of the differences between the groups. This may include such components as purpose, programs, philosophy, and structure. The responsibility rests with the group to prove to the University how it differs from the existing groups and why it should be registered as a separate student organization.
Registered Student Organization Privileges & Responsibilities
Upon becoming a registered student organization, your group assumes the following privileges and responsibilities:
Registered student organizations are afforded a number of privileges, including:
- University affiliation.
- Online listing as a student organization at UC Davis.
- Ability to reserve and use campus facilities and properties for occasional activities, such as meetings, programs, conferences, social events and service projects at reduced rates.
- Campus financial account and accounting services (Agency Account).
- Liability insurance for most on-campus activities paid by the University.
- Ability to sponsor fundraising activities on campus.
- Ability to establish a University gift account enabling tax deductible donations.
- Campus mailing address and mailbox.
- Post and distribute materials on campus in accordance with Distribution of Literature and Posting Policies.
- Use of Memorial and Silo Union outdoor tables for distributing information and fundraising.
- Use of Memorial Union display cases.
- Use of lower Freeborn storage lockers (available on a first come, first serve basis).
- Participation in campus activities (Involvement Fair, Picnic Day).
- Eligibility for undergraduate groups for Club Finance Council grants and loans.
- Eligibility for funding from campus departments.
- Eligibility for fundraising through University Dining Services concessions.
representing your group
Only the three primary leaders whose signatures are on file with the Center for Student Involvement may transact business with the University on behalf of the organization. (Exception: Any member may reserve tables or display boards.) The Center for Student Involvement may release public information about the students listed on the registration submission for purposes of acting as a representative of the organization. Public information includes name and email address.
updating group information
If at any time information about your group changes (such as its name or status of the three officers/student leaders) you need to update the registration in your student organization’s AggieLife profile. All three officers are responsible for approving the changes to the group registration.
If the officer who attended the Orientation for the current registration period has left office, the new Officer must complete the Terms and Conditions.
maintenance of financial account and records
Your group must keep complete and accurate records of income and expenditures showing how funds were raised, amounts spent, and how funds have been or will be used. These records must be kept current and available for inspection or audit by University officials at any time.
personal liability for debts
The three primary leaders who sign the Registration Application assume responsibility (and may be held personally liable) for all debts and obligations incurred by the organization. The treasurer or others responsible for the organization’s accounts must pay all bills or make arrangements for payment. If debts are not paid, registration and/or transcripts of these primary leaders may be withheld until debts are paid. The University is not liable and cannot be held responsible for any debts or obligations incurred by the organization to a non- University agency. At the end of Spring Quarter, the Treasurer or others responsible for the organization’s accounts must pay all bills or make arrangements for payment.
Consistent with section 70.10 of the UC Policy on Registered Campus Organizations, the organization will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, medical condition (cancer related or genetic characteristics), ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, or service in the uniformed services, except that membership in an officially recognized sorority or fraternity may be limited by gender. This certification shall override any language to the contrary in the organization’s bylaws, constitution, or other documents, and approval of this application does not include approval of such contrary documents.
The organization will comply with UC Davis Policy 400.20, Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence and UC Policy on Student Conduct and Discipline 102.8 and 102.9 prohibiting sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking, and retaliation against persons for making such a report or participating in any manner in an investigation or resolution of a sexual harassment or sexual violence report.
A hold will be placed on the registration of any student organization that has not satisfied a debt or obligation to the University in a timely manner, has an overdrawn Agency Account, or has violated University policies or regulations. A hold results in the suspension of all your organization’s campus privileges. To release the hold, a representative of your organization must bring written documentation that the debt or violation has been satisfied (e.g., receipt, letter from Student Judicial Affairs, etc.) with a $25 Hold Release Fee to CSI for your group’s privileges to be restored.
compliance with legal regulations
In all activities, student organizations shall assume full responsibility for abiding by local, state and federal laws, and University and campus regulations.
respect for university activities and individual rights
Activities shall not interfere with traffic, regularly scheduled campus activities, or the orderly administration of the University. The First Amendment protects the right to say or write unpopular, intolerant or controversial ideas, as long as they do not violate laws or University Policies, including time, place and manner restrictions. Student organizations are encouraged to review their activities to reflect the values in the UC Davis Principles of Community
insurance and waivers
Student organizations need liability insurance to operate on campus and use campus facilities. The University has created an insurance program for registered student organizations for most on-campus activities. Visit our Insurance Information webpage for details.
Collection of a signed liability waiver is required from all participants in any physical, sporting or dance activity. All waivers must be submitted within 5 business days of collection to CSI.
contracts and publicity
Events and activities sponsored by student organizations must be advertised and promoted in such a way as to make clear the function is sponsored by the organization acting in a private capacity and not as a representative of the University. Student organizations may not sign contracts on behalf of the University, as its agent, or imply that it is representing the University in any agreement.
dissolving an organization
Should your organization choose to dissolve, to formally terminate your status as a student organization with CSI, complete a Registered Student Organization Termination Form and submit it to CSI.
defunct agency accounts
If your organization does not re-register for two consecutive years, any money left in your organization’s Agency Account will be used to benefit all other registered student organizations.