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αKΔΦ Chapter President:
Lily Li
lilyli@ucdavis.edu | National Website | Chapter Website | Instagram
Alpha Kappa Delta Phi is a national Asian Interest sorority. The purpose of this Asian-American interest sorority is to promote sisterhood, scholarship, leadership, and Asian-American awareness in the University and in the community, while encouraging the expression of the individual. The sorority is composed of highly motivated women with diverse backgrounds, interests, and fields of study. Each woman, however, shares a strong bond of love, friendship, and sisterhood.
Organization Name: ‘AKDPhis’
UC Davis Chapter: Beta Chapter
Special Interest: Asian Interest Sorority
Founded: February 7th, 1990 at the University of California, Berkeley
Founded at UC Davis: 1992
Flower: Iris
Colors: Purple and White
Main Philanthropies: Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign