The 5 Love Languages

The 5 Love Languages

The 5 Love Languages The 5 Love Languages® Singles Edition will help you . . .Discover the missing ingredient in past relationships, learn how to communicate love in a way that can transform any relationship, grow closer to the people you care about the most,...
Diversity: Leaders Not Labels

Diversity: Leaders Not Labels

Diversity: Leaders Not Labels Stedman Graham, bestselling author of You Can Make It Happen, teaches that in the 21st century your talent and skills above all else will define your value. In Diversity: Leaders Not Labels, Graham shows you how to break out of the box...
Creating Inclusive Campus Environments

Creating Inclusive Campus Environments

Creating Inclusive Campus Environments Diversity, multiculturalism, and inclusion are values espoused by most colleges and universities; yet many educators, including those in student affairs, expect students to “magically” interact with peers from different cultural...