
Mailboxes located in CSI are provided for every registered student organization, except for professional school organizations which have a mailbox through the Student Affairs Office at their school. These mailboxes should be checked at least once a week for CSI and other campus business, announcements and federal mail.

Your Group’s Name
Center for Student Involvement, Box #___
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, California 95616-8706

To determine your mailbox number, go to AggieLife and select your organization under My Memberships, click Manage Organization, click About, then scroll down to the Additional Information section.

If you would like to distribute mail to other student organization mailboxes, please check with the CSI Front Desk. Your student organization may use the mail bins located in CSI for campus mail, or you may deliver to the Mail Division.

NOTE: Mailboxes will be emptied on June 30 and contents returned to sender (USPS) or discarded unless groups have registered for the following year. You can begin the re-registration process in May for the following year.

Note: CSI will not accept delivery of Federal Express or UPS packages for student groups.